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Predation risk is an ecological constraint for helper dispersal in a cooperatively breeding cichlid.




Environmental conditions are thought to be responsible for the extent and benefits of cooperative breeding in many animal societies, but experimental tests are scarce. We manipulated predator pressure in the cooperatively breeding cichlid Neolamprologus pulcher in Lake Tanganyika, where predators have been suggested to influence helper and breeder survival, helper dispersal and group reproductive success. We varied the type and intensity of predation by releasing medium, large, or no predators inside large underwater cages enclosing two or three group territories. Helper and breeder survival, helper dispersal and group reproductive success decreased from the control, to the medium- and large-predator treatments. These effects were modified by helper body size and the number of adults protecting the group from predators, supporting the 'group augmentation hypothesis'. Predators forced helpers to stay closer to, and spend more time inside, protective shelters. The results demonstrate the importance of predators for group living in this species, and support the 'ecological constraints hypothesis' of cooperative breeding, in the sense that subordinates stay at home rather than leave and breed independently under the risk of predation.
机译:在许多动物社会中,环境条件被认为是合作育种的范围和收益的原因,但是缺乏实验测试。我们在坦any尼喀湖合作繁殖的丽鱼科鱼类Neolamprologus pulcher中控制了捕食者的压力,在那里有人建议捕食者影响辅助者和繁殖者的生存,辅助者的扩散和群体繁殖的成功。我们通过在包围两个或三个小组领土的大型水下笼子中释放中,大型或没有捕食者来改变捕食的类型和强度。从对照到中,大型捕食者的治疗,助手和繁殖者的生存,助手的传播和群体繁殖的成功率均下降。这些影响被辅助者的体型和保护该群体免受掠食者侵害的成年人数量所改变,从而支持了“群体扩增假说”。掠食者迫使助手们靠近保护性庇护所并在其中度过更多的时间。结果证明了捕食者对于生活在该物种中的群体的重要性,并支持下属合作繁殖的“生态约束假设”,即下属留在家里而不是在被捕食的风险下独自离开并繁殖。



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